Class based views

The application provides two generic class based views (only available if you are using Django >= 1.3).


class bookmarks.views.generic.BookmarksForView(BookmarksMixin, DetailView)

Can be used to retreive and display a list of bookmarks of a given object.

This class based view accepts all the parameters that can be passed to django.views.generic.detail.DetailView.

For example, you can add in your a view displaying all bookmarks of a single active article:

from bookmarks.views.generic import BookmarksForView

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^(?P<slug>[-\w]+)/bookmarks/$', BookmarksForView.as_view(

You can also manage bookmarks order (default is by date descending) and bookmarks keys, in order to retreive only bookmarks for a given key, e.g.:

from bookmarks.views.generic import BookmarksForView

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^(?P<slug>[-\w]+)/bookmarks/$', BookmarksForView.as_view(
        model=Article, key='mykey', reversed_order=False),
Two context variables will be present in the template:
  • object: the bookmarked article
  • bookmarks: all the bookmarks of that article

The default template suffix is '_bookmarks', and so the template used in our example is article_bookmarks.html.


The name of context variable containing bookmarks. Default is ‘bookmarks’.


The bookmarks key to use for retreiving bookmarks. Default is None.


If True, bookmarks are ordered by creation date descending. Default is True.

get_context_bookmarks_name(self, obj)

Get the variable name to use for the bookmarks.

get_key(self, obj)

Get the key to use to retreive bookmarks. If the key is None, use all keys.

order_is_reversed(self, obj)

Return True to sort bookmarks by creation date descending.

get_bookmarks(self, obj, key, is_reversed)

Return a queryset of bookmarks of obj.


class bookmarks.views.generic.BookmarksByView(BookmarksMixin, DetailView)

Can be used to retreive and display a list of bookmarks saved by a given user.

This class based view accepts all the parameters that can be passed to django.views.generic.detail.DetailView, with an exception: it is not mandatory to specify the model or queryset used to retreive the user (django.contrib.auth.models.User model is used by default).

For example, you can add in your a view displaying all bookmarks by a single active user:

from bookmarks.views.generic import BookmarksByView

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^(?P<pk>\d+)/bookmarks/$', BookmarksByView.as_view(

You can also manage bookmarks order (default is by date descending) and bookmarks keys, in order to retreive only bookmarks for a given key, e.g.:

from bookmarks.views.generic import BookmarksByView

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^(?P<pk>\d+)/bookmarks/$', BookmarksByView.as_view(
        key='mykey', reversed_order=False),
Two context variables will be present in the template:
  • object: the user
  • bookmarks: all the bookmarks saved by that user

The default template suffix is '_bookmarks', and so the template used in our example is user_bookmarks.html.


The name of context variable containing bookmarks. Default is ‘bookmarks’.


The bookmarks key to use for retreiving bookmarks. Default is None.


If True, bookmarks are ordered by creation date descending. Default is True.

get_context_bookmarks_name(self, obj)

Get the variable name to use for the bookmarks.

get_key(self, obj)

Get the key to use to retreive bookmarks. If the key is None, use all keys.

order_is_reversed(self, obj)

Return True to sort bookmarks by creation date descending.

get_bookmarks(self, obj, key, is_reversed)

Return a queryset of bookmarks saved by obj user.